Saturday, August 6, 2016

Bug Bites, Sunburns, Muscle Aches, and Two Very Happy Souls!

August 1st - August 4th

Olaf arrived back at the property around 1am the morning of July 30th I came a fews days later on August 1st. This week our focus was outside the house. Removing vegetation, fixing the gate (as in now we actually have a gate), and locating the well. We did remove the plywood subfloor from the living room to reveal the dirt underneath. We got our first good look at the sill issues going on but after a day and a half of intense internet research we're feeling like we can fix it ourselves.

I can't go any further without mentioning that we lost the sheep...yeah when Olaf got to the property he couldn't find them. He went to bed and decided he would looking in the morning. Turns out we missed a hole in the fence and the sheep got out. They were found trying to cross Hwy 77, a neighbor picked them up and kept them safe until Olaf could get them. By the time I arrived the sheep were back and the hole was patched. Really proud of Olaf for how he handled the whole thing!

The great thing that came out of the missing sheep was how Olaf was able to meet a few of our neighbors. Everyone has been so nice and offering all kinds of help! One such neighbor was Mr. Ken who offered to come over with his tractor and brush-hog to help with some of the vegetation!

After 7 days Olaf was getting tired of hot dogs for dinner every night, I can't really blame him, so I attempted to make a beef stew of sorts in a cast iron pot. Well the fire was too hot and things burned and it wasn't that great. However I refuse to give up and plan to try again the next time around.

By the time we headed back to Houston I had bug bites all over my ankles, Olaf and I both had some sunburn, we were sore, especially Olaf, his hands hand been every much abused, but I have to admit we had never been happier. We know we are doing what's right for us and that makes our souls rejoice!

Stew in the fire
Smelled so good!
Not Exactly What We Wanted
Our Well

Thank you Mr. Ken!

Little Bit of Wildlife
Living Room Subfloor Out!
Dining Room Subfloor and Sill (Well whats left)
Our Gate! We worked so hard for three days getting this working right!
Before Mr. Ken
After Mr. Ken!

Still a Happy Girl!
We are planning to head back tomorrow, August 7th, hopefully the sheep are still in our property! I'm sure we would have heard from a neighbor by now if they had gotten out but who knows. Honestly we were ready to go back after 3 hours of being back in Houston! We have no idea what's in store for us this week but we are really excited to see what happens next!

BTW Lacy LOVES it there! And she's great to have around while I'm working!